Misinformation vs Disinformation

This was our first project, we made a webpage that talked about misinformation & disinformation through American media

Technology Webpage

In this project We chose a new technology to make a webpage for a new kind of technology.

Business Card

We made a digital business card.


In this project we made a collage of picture that relate to us

Merchandice Webpage

We made a store that needed to "sell" something, I chose to make a webpage for a cat cafe

Dice Game

In this project we made a progam that would show you the total, sum, and probility of the dice you rolled

Craps Game

In this project we build off the dice game but in this project we made craps game

Circle Bounce

In this project we made a rectanlge and two circles move around the srceen

X-treme Webpage

In this project we needed to make coding look extreme

Circle Bounce - Multiple circle objects

In this project we made sevarel circles move around the screen

Research Topics

In this project we researched various computer science topics

Number Array

In this project we made an array with 5000 random numbers in it and told you things about those numbers

String Program

In this project you can input various words and it can tell you the longest and shorest along with other functions

Sharks Bay

For my final project I made a game where you need to run away from a shark while fish move around you

About Me

My name is Camila Miranda and I'm a freshman in GITA 2. I was first introduced to computer science in elemtary school and joined GITA in the 8th grade.

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